The 3 Steps to Creating an Application

1. Creating Sketch your business application idea

The importance of ideas should not be overestimated. Creating an application that works well is often more important than finding the perfect idea. The idea alone will not determine the success of your application. You know the adage, “A good sketch is worth a thousand words”.

So do not hesitate to make a sketch of what you have in mind, it will help you lay out your idea. This step also has the advantage of not requiring any special tools, a pencil and paper are enough. The sketch will help you define the organization and list the features or characteristics of your application.


However, even if it is tempting, avoid falling into the pitfall of an application with too many features. Always keep in mind the simplification of the user experience. Too many features can complicate the use, confuse the user and therefore hide the main functionality. So make sure that your application does only a few things but does them well.

Therefore, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of the desired features and ask yourself which features you can omit. Generally, features can be grouped into 2 groups that some call “Must Haves” and “Nice to haves”. The first are those that your application cannot do without app design Dubai and the second are those that add value but are not essential.

2. Creating the complete specifications

After the market study comes the writing of the specifications. This requires specific skills and solid experience. Don’t hesitate to surround yourself with the right people and/or don’t hesitate to use templates like the one we offer below to make sure you don’t forget anything. If you are not comfortable with this step or if you do not have the necessary resources internally, Hello Pomelo can help you so that you have a functional specification for your application.

This document must be complete and precise. Indeed, it will be the contractual basis of your relationship with your service provider in charge of developing your application, with the assessment of the workload, the cost of production and the delivery times. The specifications must describe in a very precise way specifies what must be done and contains several dozen pages, in order to avoid any sources of misunderstanding.

3. Create the mockup of your application on suitable tools

Creating mockups of your application is the best way to show what needs to be done. Call on app developers in dubai to mockup your applications and website. Ideally, ideation workshops will allow you to organize discussions with users to develop the mockups of your application and the associated functional specifications. This iterative and incremental process represents significant and necessary work to achieve a good result.

From the expression of needs and the identification of the actors who will interact with your application, you must check that each actor has the necessary functionalities according to the use cases. To do this, you will need to place yourself from the point of view of each actor to define how and why they will use the application. This will ensure that you do not forget anything.

The primary purpose of a mockup is to show what the application looks like and also to describe its interactions. What happens when you press this button? How to move from one screen to another? It is a functional rather than aesthetic approach to the design of your app development companies in dubai. It helps to see, imagine the complete application and project yourself into its use.

At Hello Pomelo, we offer you High Fidelity mockups that take into account the exact positioning, the size or style of the font and the color, etc.

But some companies also offer Low Fidelity mockups that do not include:

  • Fine-grained UI elements;
  • Exact positioning of elements;
  • Complex color schemes and effects;

At the end of the mockup you will have a prototype of your application.